Some Dusty Decades-Old OEIS Sequences

Well, hello there internet people.

For my entry to the Summer of Math Exposition I'm going to look at some sequences from the OIES. They're all sequences that I found independently, and then confirmed afterwards that the OEIS already had them (for more than 20 years, in some cases). It was nice to see that I was looking at things others had already found. That seemed like a good indicator that I hadn't gone too badly astray while exploring. I'm aiming to give an example of trying stuff, learning things along the way, and seeing where those discoveries lead, and the thinking that guided me towards what I tried next. I seem to have gone a reasonably long way. Am I within shouting range of a proof? Mayyybe. A friend of mine, who has a maths doctorate, was not persuaded. So probably not. But I wanted to talk about the chain of reasoning I followed, even if it fizzled out before the very end. And for this entry I did conscientiously limit myself to just the summer of the competition, and there's more things I want to try that I just haven't had time to do. (That includes making the tree diagrams in this entry bigger and clearer, which has proved really quite tricky. Sorry about that.) As I am looking at a notorious problem, it's not surprising one summer wasn't enough.

The first sequence I'm going to mention is A354236. This is a square array, which means it continues to infinity in both directions.

Table i

Column R0 is just the powers of two. In the other columns, for every number that appears you will also see double that number, but new odd numbers also start appearing, and then consecutive runs of numbers. What's going on?

All right, I won't leave you hanging. This sequence is related to the Collatz conjecture. But it doesn't obviously resemble the Collatz tree that most people are used to seeing. How is this sequence generated, and what uses might it have? Before diving in I will give a quick recap of the Collatz problem:

Take any positive integer. If it's even, halve it. If it's odd, multiply by three and add one. Repeat indefinitely.

That's the Collatz procedure. The Collatz conjecture states that if you follow the Collatz procedure on any positive integer, they all eventually reach the number one. This has been checked up to numbers past 1020, and no exceptions have been found, but that still doesn't count as a proof.

I was inspired to look into this after seeing Professor David Eisenbud's Numberphile video on the Collatz Conjecture about eight years ago. (A couple of ad-stripped links to YouTube here: and About halfway through the video, Brady says, "There does seem to be a very striking feature of it, and this is this line down the middle here." Professor Eisenbud replies, "That's right, this is like the third rail. Once you touch that line you fall right away to one."

The 'striking feature' Brady was talking about is the powers of two, column R0 in table i, and the fact that they're like a live rail got me thinking. If the third rail is live, then anything connected to that rail is also live, and so is everything connected to that, and so on, out to infinity. What are the members of the other rails? So I independently came up with the table above, and then found it on the OEIS.

Generating Rails

How do you generate the table then?

First, start with column R0, the powers of two. ('R' stands for 'Rail'.) We can fill those in ahead of time. Then check each entry in turn, asking how it can be reached, and collate those numbers. If you find a number you already know about, skip it.

How do you get to the number 1? There's only one way – you have to descend from the number 2. Nothing new yet. How do you get to 2? Descend from 4. Still nothing new. How do you get to 4? Well, there are two ways. You can descend from 8, and you can also multiply 1 by 3 and add 1, and that gives you 4 as well. But we've seen 1 already, so still nothing new has shown up.

How do you get to 8? Descend from 16.

How do you get to 16? Descend from 32, yes, but also, 5 × 3 + 1 = 16, so 5 is the first member of R1.

And if 5 is a member of rail one, then so are 10 and 20 and 40 and 80 and 160 and so on, to infinity.

But rail R0 isn't finished yet, so continue.

How do you get to 32? Descend from 64.

How do you get to 64? Descend from 128, but also, 21 × 3 + 1 = 64, so there's the second odd member of rail one; it's 21. And if 21 is a member of R1, so are 42 and 84 and 168 and so on. Keep going.

How do you get to 128? Descend from 256.

How do you get to 256? Descend from 512, but also, 85 × 3 + 1 = 256, so there's the third odd member of R1. And if 85 is a member of R1, so are 170 and 340 and so on.

So there are infinitely many members of R1, just as there were infinitely many members of R0. R1 consists of all the numbers which are one tripling operation from reaching the 'live rail' and terminating.

What about column R2?

For R2, you just repeat the same algorithm on each of the members of R1. This gives the list of all numbers which are two tripling operations away from reaching the 'live rail'.

For R3, repeat the same algorithm on each of the members of R2.

And so on to infinity.

Sort all of these numbers on each rail into ascending numerical order, and you get table i above.

So we now have a way to organise the members of the Collatz sequence into rails. Even though they're different sizes, all the members of a given rail behave the same. They're all the same number of tripling operations away from R0, so they are in some sense related, and if you look at them in binary you will see that their binary structures have features in common. So it seems helpful to group them together. We also know that if we pick some number n on rail Rk, then every time we perform a tripling operation, we transfer to rail Rk−1. That means we have a full list of all the members of the Collatz tree that don't loop and don't go to infinity. All of these numbers, by construction, will eventually reach rail R0.

And once you've left rail Rk, you can never get back to it. You have to drop all the way to R0, and only then might you be able to loop back. So if you could prove that every number eventually shows up on one of these rails, you would prove the Collatz conjecture. Do these rails really cover all numbers? They look like they do, every number anyone has ever tested shows up on a rail, and there's no clear reason they shouldn't, so perhaps somewhere in here there's a proof by induction waiting to be found.

By the way, OEIS sequence A092893 lists the lowest numbers which are members of each rail, although it doesn't talk about 'rails' because that's new terminology inspired by Professor Eisenbud. And rails one, two, three up to about rail ten are given as sequences A062052, A062053, A062054, A062055, A062056, A062057, A062058, A062059, A062060, A072466 and A072122.

What If There's an Exception?

All right. The Collatz conjecture claims that all numbers eventually reach one, and the infinite rail set seems to agree. Every member of that rail set does go to one, but there's no clear way to prove that every number is a member. What if a number doesn't eventually go to one? What would we see?

At a glance there are three possibilities. Maybe a number can wander chaotically forever, without becoming infinite and without repeating. Maybe it can enter a repeating cycle of some kind. Or maybe it can somehow evade ever hitting a power of two and creep up to infinity.

A Wanderer?

The first of those is the easiest to deal with. That can't happen. If a number stays finite, but wanders forever, there are only a finite number of integers of that size. Therefore it must eventually hit one it's visited before, and then it must repeat. If it repeats, it's in a loop. You can only have a number stay finite but wander forever if you have a non-integer.

A Loop?

The second option is, what if you have a loop? Well, we have one loop already – the 1, 4, 2, 1 loop. But that's the only one that's been found. It's known that other loops might be possible, because if you look at the 3n−1 procedure, that does have three separate loops. The 3n−1 procedure is very like the Collatz procedure except that you multiply by three and subtract one instead of adding. It behaves in a very similar way, but it has a 1, 2, 1 loop, a 5, 14, 7, 20, 10, 5 loop and a longer loop whose lowest member is 17. We can't immediately discount the possibility that the Collatz procedure might have something similar.

Let's assume, then, that there is some number, N, that is a member of a loop other than the 1, 4, 2, 1 loop. I've called it capital N because we've checked all numbers up to 1020 and more without finding it, so if N exists it must be large. Now, if it's not connected to the 1, 4, 2, 1 loop then it cannot be a member of any of the rails we've already found, because by construction they're all connected to R0. So it must be on some new rail, which I'll call R′0. That works; we can do that without introducing any contradictions. If N is a member of R′0, then so are 2N and 4N and 8N and 16N and so on. So R′0 has infinitely many members, just as R0 does. And then we can use the same generation method as before to produce the members of rail R′1. That's going to have the same number of members as rail R1. And then R′2, R′3 and so on, to infinity. In fact you can place these numbers in a one to one correspondence with the members of R0, R1, R2 and the rest, so in some strong sense, there would be exactly the same number of exceptions as there are numbers that eventually reach one.

In hindsight, this is pretty obvious and I'm sure it's not a new discovery. If there is one exception to the Collatz conjecture, then there must be infinitely many exceptions. It not like finding one number in an infinite haystack; as many as half of all numbers could be an exception. Which should mean that you could just pick some super-collossal number, and as long as it's significantly bigger than N and chosen with a bit of care, there could be as much as a 50–50 chance that it will lead you to N. And if it doesn't, just pick some other colossal number. You should luck out reasonably quickly. Now, you're dealing with infinities here, so some care is required, and this method will only work if there is a counter-example that is within reach of current computation techniques. But at least you don't have to worry about skipping numbers any more.

To Infinity?

What if there is some number, N, that goes to infinity? That's a bigger ask, and I think it's impossible. The reasoning is similar to before. If there is some number N that goes to infinity, then it too cannot be a member of any existing rail set. So we have to assign it its own rail set, which I will call R″0. And from R″0 you can generate R″1, and from R″1 you can generate R″2 and so on, just as you could for a number that loops. But, this number N has to go to infinity. So it has to keep rising. There has to be some rail R″−1 that it links to, and a rail R″−2 and so on. You need infinitely many rails in both directions. Not only that, this sequence can never repeat any number on any other rail, because if it does it collapses into a loop.

Let's consider some rail with a large negative index. R″− a bajillion, for example. We can start from that rail and work back towards rail R″0 again. One in three of the even numbers on each rail will generate an infinite set of numbers on the next rail. If we started at rail R″− a bajillion, by the time we get back to rail R″0 we ought to have found infinitely more numbers than just N and 2N and 4N and 8N and so on. And the argument continues for rail R″1, R″2 and onwards. We must have missed loads of numbers! That's worrying, but maybe we can fix it, by putting in all the extra numbers we missed. But that doesn't help, because then we can go back to rail R″−tree(3) for example, and do the same thing, and find even more numbers that we must have missed. And more and more and more, the further back we go. You have to conclude that the numbers found so far are only a tiny fraction of the total numbers, and that the overwhelming majority of all numbers must go to infinity. And the more negative the rail number we choose, the worse it gets, which is a problem as we have to go back infinitely far. So where are all the numbers that go to infinity then?

However, Professor Terence Tao proved a few years ago that 'almost all' numbers get smaller. See But if one number escapes to infinity, it looks like overwhelmingly many of all numbers would need to escape, and that contradicts Professor Tao's result. That strongly suggests that all these numbers going to infinity can't possibly exist, which hopefully means a proof by contradiction is possible.

(Sorry, this isn't a maths paper. This is an entry to the Summer of Math Exposition. I'm not a trained mathematician; I'm just writing up my explorations of a well-known maths problem. Although I have tried, I haven't found a watertight proof here, just a reasonable argument pointing towards such a proof.)

Check All the Numbers!

All right. The next thing I decided to do was to look at all the numbers. I decided not to worry about where they showed up in the Collatz sequence, and just start at 1 and work up.

My reasoning for doing this was, well, really because the usual Collatz tree, which everyone else has been looking at for years (here's a link to quite a big one) doesn't seem to be very helpful. By the time you've collated anough numbers to see what's going on, you've got too many numbers to see what's going on. If the Collatz tree was any use, it should have helped solve the problem by now. So I decided to ignore the Collatz tree entirely, and simply look at all numbers in ascending order. I know they're all on the tree somewhere, so why not just examine where each number jumps to? The hope was that if I found anything, I could sort out the discovery first, then reassemble the Collatz tree afterwards if needed.

As a time-saver, the even numbers are safe to skip, because every even number gets halved repeatedly until it becomes odd, and it can be dealt with then. That gives the following list, which has all the odd numbers in column A, and those numbers multiplied by 3 and plus 1 in column B. And then if the result is even it's halved in column D, and then E and so on, as many times as necessary. To cover all numbers, infinitely many columns are needed.

Table ii

Notice that columns C, E, G and so on are the same except for the different spacing, as are columns D, F, H and so on. After you apply the 3n+1 operation and then halve as necessary, you end up on one of two arithmetic sequences – 2, 5, 8, 11, … and 1, 4, 7, 10, … which alternate forever. So the Collatz procedure, at its heart, breaks down into these two sequences. And they're arithmetic sequences, so they're super predictable. They're just… cleverly interwoven.

Merging Infinite Columns

However, dealing with a table with infinite rows and infinite columns is a pain. Is there a better way? Well, how about this:

Table iii
14 1   
516  1  
928 7   
1340  5  
1752 13   
2164  1  
2576 19   
2988  11  
33100 25   
37112  7  
41124 31   
45136  17  

Columns A–D are unchanged, and columns F, G, H and so on all the way to infinity are merged into column E. What is the value in column E? It doesn't look especially predictable, but in fact it's equal to the contents of rows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, … of the table. Now we've got two arithmetic sequences, which are trivial to calculate, and a final column where row 3 is the same as row 1, row 7 is the same as row 2, row 11 is the same as row 3, row 15 is the same as row 4, etc. So we don't have to calculate anything new, we can just look up earlier rows in the table. Notice also that if you read out columns C, D and E in ascending row order, you get 1, 5, 1, 11, 7, 17, … and that's the same as you get if you just read out column E on its own, which also goes 1, 5, 1, 11, 7, 17, … This is an OEIS sequence as well. It's A075677.

What's happened here is that the entire Collatz tree, all the way to infinity, has been chopped up into individual 'twigs'. And whenever you jump from column A to column B, you jump from some rail Rk to an earlier rail Rk−1, for all numbers. And that's true even if they are members of some weird loop, or are on their way off to infinity. Things might change when R0 is reached, but until then the rail numbers simply count down one step at a time.

From Numbers to Rows

At this point, I shall get rid of the numbers altogether and just record what row jumps where. That gives the table below, except I'm temporarily going to ignore column D:

Table iv
1 1 
3  1
5 4 
7  3
9 7 
11  1
13 10 
15  6
17 13 
19  4

Do pause for a moment and confirm that this simpler sequence really does capture the jump pattern that the Collatz numbers follow. You can convert back to Collatz numbers at any time by doubling the row number and subtracting 1. The main advantage of looking at row numbers is that they just count up from row 1 without any gaps.

Note that every number seen in column D is a number already seen in column B or C – commonly about 3/4 of a table earlier, but sometimes much more. But every number in column D is repeated infinitely often, and every number in column B or C eventually jumps to column D. And when a number jumps to column D, it jumps to a significantly earlier point, because column D is where the row number drops by the largest amounts. And when it jumps out of column D, it will reappear at some point in column B or C, but at some new, lower number that will also eventually jump back onto column D. And so on, until the number eventually reaches 1. Furthermore, every number is also a member of some rail Rk. And no matter whether that number grows or shrinks, it also always drops to an earlier and earlier rail number with each jump. Eventually it hits R0 (or R′0 or R″0, except that for the Collatz procedure, only one rail set has been found).

Hard-Coding the Row Numbers

Now what I'm going to do is to rewrite the Collatz procedure and simply decree that column D just goes to some row of my choosing. Let's pick, oh, 23. I'll fill that in, and I'll override row 1 as well to be complete, and that gives this:

Table v
1 23 
3  23
5 4 
7  23
9 7 
11  23
13 10 
15  23
17 13 
19  23
21 16 
23  23
25 19 

For example, if you start on row 5, you jump to row 4. If you're on row 4, you jump to row 6. If you're on row 6, you jump to row 9. If you're on row 9, you jump to row 7. If you're on row 7, you jump to row 23.

This modified table is always going to end up on row 23, no matter where you start. Even if there was some set of numbers that escape to infinity, nope, now they're all going to row 23. A second loop? Nope. Row 23. Some numbers survive longer than others before they get caught, but every row that isn't row 23 must continually jump to another row. Just like rolling a dice as many times as necessary until you get a 6, you will eventually get a 6. Eventually the path will hit a row number that is 3 modulo 4, (4 modulo 3? Which way round should that be?) and that's the end of it.

Hard-Coding the Row Numbers, But Not Quite as Hard

Let's change all those row 23s to row 1. What happens now? Exactly the same thing, except everything ends up on row 1. I may have cheated, but on this table, the Collatz conjecture really is true because I've brute-forced it to be. But shortly I'll be covering the fact that the actual (non-forced) Collatz tree can also be filled up with ones up for quite a long way – perhaps long enough that the real Collatz conjecture might be true too.

Table vi
1 1  
3  1 
5 4  
7  1 
9 7  
11  1 
13 10  
15  1 
17 13  
19  1 
21 16  
23  1 
25 19  

A Substitution That Only Introduces an Extra Step

What about if we change row D to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on?

Table vii
1 1  
3  1 
5 4  
7  2 
9 7  
11  3 
13 10  
15  4 
17 13  
19  5 
21 16  
23  6 
25 19  

I think you can verify that everything still ends up at row 1. If you're not at row 1, you will always have to jump to some other row, and the pattern of jumps is interleaved in such a way that you never hit a loop until you hit row 1, and also so that you are guaranteed to descend. You will sometimes jump upwards, but that only happens in column B, and each series of jumps upwards is only a finite and predictable number of steps. And there's a simple row-calculating formula (see below).

Filling the Real Table with Infinite Ones

By the way, as everything up to 1020 has been checked and goes to 1, you could fill in the entire table with ones all the way up to about row 5 × 1019 in column B. And then you could also fill in the first 5 × 1019 entries in columns C, D, E and so on to infinity. And once those entries are filled with ones, even more of columns B and C can be filled in to match, allowing yet more entries to be filled in in column D, and so on. This bootstrap process covers more and more numbers with each iteration. We also have the equations to let us jump backwards or forwards from any row to the next or the previous row, so as soon as it's known that some row ends at 1, we can find infinitely many other numbers that also end at 1. I'm actually beginning to wonder why Collatz isn't already considered solved. Do we really not have enough information to prove it?

The concept of rails shows that every number eventually reaches some rail R0, R′0, R″0 or similar, and also that if there is a second rail set, up to half of all numbers would be members of that rail set. But if some odd number n is a member of some rail, then 4n+1 (and infinitely many others) must also be members of the same rail. As column D is recursively filled up, there doesn't seem to be space in the standard Collatz procedure for a second rail set to exist. If there's no space for a second rail set, then we can only have one rail set, and the conjecture is true. But by comparison, if you try the same operation on the 3n−1 procedure, the gaps are larger and there is space, and lo, the 3n−1 procedure does have multiple loops. The 3n−1 procedure acts as a helpful counter-example; it shows us what to look for to show that the Collatz conjecture is false.

Generating Row Functions

In column B we have row 3, 6, 9, 12, … all the way to infinity. In column C we have row 1, 4, 7, 10, … all the way to infinity. In column D we have row 1, 2, 3, 4, … all the way to infinity. (Yes, this does introduce extra jumps, but check against table iv to confirm that row 3 goes to 1, row 7 goes to 3, row 11 goes to 1, row 15 goes to 6 and so on.)

Let r equal some row number.

What's the next row?

(As an alternative for h(r), you could define i(r) to be the sequence 1, 3, 1, 6, 4, 9, 3, 12, 7, … That will have a rather more complicated definition, but if you plug r in you get the correct destination row out without needing the extra jump(s) that h(r) requires.)

And the row after that is … well, just plug in the new value of r and repeat as many times as needed.

Every row, all the way to infinity, goes to row 1. Can we actually prove this? Rather than just trying it and seeing that it always works?

One possible approach would be to prove that there is a second loop, or to prove that there can't be. Escaping to infinity already looks impossible (although that's not rigorously confirmed), but if additional loops could be proved impossible that would probably eliminate escaping to infinity as an option as well.

Looking At Loops

What is a loop? Obviously, in order to have a loop, you have to start at some number r, apply the row formulae to it in some unknown order, and then eventually get back to the original number. But the thing about a loop is that you can go round it in either direction. The forwards direction has been done to death; as I said, those numbers have been checked past 1020. But what about in reverse?

Okay, I'll define the inverse row functions as well, then. These equations are such that, given some row number r, they will tell you which other row or rows you could have reached r from. This allows you to work backwards through the Collatz tree, and with f(r), g(r) and h(r) (or i(r)), you can traverse the tree freely in either direction. For example, given r = 63, you could have reached that from r = 42. And r = 42 could have been reached from r = 28. And so on. I'll write these inverse functions as f−1(r) etc.

Table viii
1 133,11,43,171,683,…
2  7 
32 117,27,107,427,…
4 51519,75,299,…
5  19 
64 2315,59,235,…
7 92735,139,555,…
8  31 
96 3523,91,363,…
10 133951,203,811,…
11  43 
128 4731,123,491,…
13 165167,267,1067,…
14  55 
1510 5939,155,619,…
16 196383,331,1323,…
17  67 
1812 7147,187,747,…
19 227599,395,1579,…
20  79 
2114 8355,219,875,…
22 2587115,459,1835,…
23  91 
2416 9563,251,1003,…
25 2899131,523,2091,…

Generating Trees from Tables

If you use column E from table viii, you get table ix below. Rows which contain multiples of 3 and have no further connections are coloured red. For example, row 2 contains the number 3, row 11 contains the number 21, etc. These are all 'dead ends' in the Collatz structure; nothing feeds in to them from any higher-numbered rail.

Table ix
  72754850, 19399, …
 17118192425, 9699, …
  11476, 303, …
  36272178, 8711, …
1439071209, 4835, …
  5775, 299, …
  17071138, 4551, …
  427569, 2275, …
  2718, 71, 283, 1131, …
  79, 35, 139, 555, …

For those going cross-eyed trying to decipher this table, I agree, it's horrible. It's much easier to digest by ignoring the connections entirely and just treating it as rails R0, R1, R2 and so on, as shown in table i. Don't worry about what number jumps where, just confirm than every set of numbers links to the next and the previous rails.

However, column D of table viii can be used to generate a different Collatz tree, shown below. This version of the tree contains extra jumps compared to the standard tree, because of the use of h−1(r) instead of i−1(r), but it only has one or two branches at each node rather than infinitely many. Note how rows 3, 11, 43, 171, 683, … which should all connect directly to row 1, are instead chained consecutively. (Marked with bold in the diagram below.) Similarly rows 7, 27, 107, 427, … are also chained, the start of the 9, 35, … chain is visible and so on.

Table x

If you pick some number on the tree, for example 18, then the rest of the subtree for row 18 can be generated. This consists of all the numbers that lead to row 18. Every number links to at least one other number, and therefore an infinite tree can be generated for all numbers. There is no need to care what path 18's descendants have to take in order to reach 18; it's sufficient that they do. The same argument applies for every other number that could be chosen. This means the entire tree to the right of row 18 can be generated, then pruned and discarded. But 27 is 18's parent, so the 18-tree and the 107-tree can also be pruned. So in turn can 27, and then 7, 2, 3, all the way up to the root of the tree, which is 1. Every number in the Collatz tree, all the way to infinity, has 1 as its ultimate ancestor. I'm as sure as I can be that there are no loops, and there are no numbers that escape to infinity.

A Sanity Check – Looking at the 3n−1 Procedure

As a sanity check, I shall also generate the equivalent trees for the 3n−1 procedure. As stated earlier, the 3n−1 procedure does have loops (1, 2, 1), (5, 14, 7, 20, 10, 5) and a longer loop whose lowest member is 17, and consequently the 3n−1 procedure also has three rail sets – R0, R′0 and R″0 as shown below. It's striking how much more quickly the numbers in each rail set grow for the 3n−1 procedure than they do for Collatz. By R4 we already seem to be past the point where it's reasonable to expect numbers as small as 5 or 7 to show up, and yet they're still missing. By about R10 or so it looks overwhelmingly likely that they must be members of their own separate rail set(s). And this is easily confirmed by simply checking a few of the missing numbers, at which point the R′ and R″ rail sets are quickly found.

Table xi
Table xii
Table xiii

For the 3n−1 procedure, the row equations are:

The inverse row equations are:

Its row table is as follows:

Table xiv
11 2
2  6
3 410
43 14
5  18
6 822
75 26
8  30
9 1234
107 38
11  42
12 1646
139 50
14  54
15 2058
1611 62
17  66
18 2470
1913 74
20  78
21 2882
2215 86
23  90
24 3294
2517 98
24 3294

If you generate the 3n−1 tree starting from row 1, it's slightly lopsided, and the first few branches look like this:

Table xv

But wait, where's 3? Where's 4? Where's 7? Where's 9?

These numbers never appear. Row 3 is not connected to row 1, and nor is row 9. And nor are infinitely many other rows.

To get to the row 3 family an entire second tree is needed, and a third tree is needed for row 9.

Note than in both cases the row tables do contain all numbers, but the tree(s) generated from the tables only contains the set of row numbers linked to their parent row. The 3n−1 procedure has three loops and needs three trees, while it looks pretty sure Collatz only has one loop and only needs one tree. And if that is the case, as it appears to be, then that pesky ol' conjecture really is true.